Commercial Vehicle Cleaning Products
A wide-range of commercial vehicle cleaning products
We now offer a range of chemicals to suit your requirements, from traffic film removers to low foam brush wash chemicals. All our chemicals are available in 25L drums and 1000L IBC’s. New to the range is the Chem-check monitoring system which once installed to your onsite tank, continuously monitors and reports to us your current levels and usage, that way we can inform you when your due a top up and arrange our 7.2T delivery truck to come and dispense the correct amount via a built in pump system. Feel free to contact us regards to which chemical you/site require.

Fleet Clean Non-Caustic (NC)
Economical and low cost in use. Non-caustic vehicle wash. NTA free, safer to use. Excellent performance. Biodegradable formulation. Manual/Pressure washer application. Pre-spray application.
Available in 25Ltr & 1000Ltr.

Low Foam Brush Wash
Specially developed for use through a recyclable chemical wash machine. This product has low foam properties and a high dilution rate for economy purposes. It also contains a neutral pH that will not damage carbon filters.
Available in 25Ltr & 1000Ltr.

Screenwash - Ready to Use
An effective economical screenwash, designed to remove grime and insects from all automotive windscreens. It can be ready to use in the winter to prevent freezing, and diluted 5 to 1 in the summer.
Available in 25Ltr & 1000Ltr.

Screenwash - Concentrate
A screenwash concentrate which can be diluted down 20-1 in the summer and is effective to -6 degrees when used neat. It is the perfect all-rounder for most UK requirements and is our most popular screenwash.
Available in 25Ltr & 1000Ltr.

The Chem-Check is an accurate probe that measures the level of vehicle wash chemicals/shampoos within your bulk tank at either your commercial vehicle wash or Pressure wash facility and continuously send’s data through to our server where it is monitored.